
The Preparation Steps

So, customers get the textbook and then ask, now what? What are some suggestions on how to allocate their time in studying for NPLEX 2? With 184 pharmaceutical drugs, 163 botanicals and 70 homeopathics to understand well, the time spent studying them can fly.

I usually advise this sort of schedule daily at the 12 week mark prior to NPLEX date.

● 1 hour of Pharmaceuticals and/or Emergency Medicine

● 1 hour of Botanical review

● 1 hour of Homeopathics review

● 30 minutes of either Physical Medicine and/or Nutrition

● 5 hours of general review of Pathology and Diagnosis

▪ 10% per week of the Core Clinical Sciences based on the NABNE blueprint

▪ At 2 week mark, review 10% per day

Remember to read the NPLEX 2 case question breakdown to help you mentally focus in on how the exam is asked. If you have a glimpse of how the exam is written, then you’re more able to focus on answering the case questions, stay mentally tough and have better emotional resiliency to think logically and laterally. This for the most part is a logical exam, NABNE is not here to play games with you if you studied well.

Let us know of any questions that you may have in the comment section below.

Vincent Lun